The UWCCC Research Retreat is an annual event hosted by the Carbone Cancer Center. It is an opportunity for cancer center members, research personnel, and students to learn more about the research happening at the UW Carbone Cancer Center.
AGENDA (1:00-7:00 pm)
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
12:30: Registration & Poster Setup
Registration and poster setup will commence in the HSLC Atrium (12:30 – 1:00 pm)
1:00: Opening Remarks
UW Carbone Cancer Center Director, Dr. Howard Bailey, MD
Reed and Carolee Walker Professor in Pediatric Oncology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
1:00: Keynote Presentation

2:15: Breakout Session 1
A: Addressing Cancer Disparities Questions with Big Data Sources
Chaired by Noelle LoConte, MD and Tracy Downs, MD, this session will feature panelists Shaneda Warren Andersen, PhD; John Eason, PhD; and Elise Lawson, MD, MSHS. Dr. Warren Andersen will review her experience with the Southern Community Cohort Study data. Dr. Eason, Associate Professor of Sociology, and part of the Center for Law, Society and Justice, will discuss the use of census data in health disparities. The session will allow ample time for discussion and Q/A.
B: Updates in Cancer Prevention
Howard Bailey, MD; Shannon Kenney, MD; and Evie Carchman, MD, will give an update on cancer prevention topics. During this interactive session, Dr. Bailey will discuss Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination issues such as uptake rates, ongoing data and efforts to improve it, novel HPV vaccines and/or treatments of cervical dysplasia. Dr. Carchman will talk about her work with preventing and treating cellular dysplasia to interrupt the progression to cancer; and Dr. Kenney will speak about the intersection of Epstein Barr virus virology with prevention.
C: Integrating Imaging and Biomarkers into UWCCC Clinical Trials
This session will highlight the services and expertise available within the UWCCC and around campus that can help you in designing your clinical trials. Three NIH funded UW trials will be highlighted as examples of how to successfully integrate biomarkers and imaging.
The presentation will be a discussion-based format and experts in their respective fields will be at hand to answer questions. Presenters include: Randy Kimple, MD, PhD; Andrew Bashnagel, MD; and Josh Lang, MD, MS along with representatives from relevant Shared Resources.
D: Immunotherapy Trial Design: Developments and Challenges
This session will address the unique challenges and potential strategies for design and implementation of immunotherapy clinical trials. Nataliya Uboha, MD, PhD, Ticiana Leal, MD, Christian Capitini, MD, and Mike Bassetti, MD, PhD will discuss details of clinical trials they lead. These 5-minute lightning presentations of preclinical/clinical research will be followed by 40 minutes of panel discussion.
E: Career Development and Funding for Trainees
Graduate students, post-docs, and their mentors, join us to learn about career development and cancer-specific funding opportunities. Dr. Susan Perkins, Deputy Chief of the Cancer Training Branch at the National Cancer Institute, will be joining us to discuss funding available from the NCI to support trainees. We’ll also discuss other available funding mechanisms from ICTR and the American Cancer Society and hear about recent successful job searches by UWCCC Members.
F: Clinical Hot Topics – Rapid-fire Presentation of Key Clinical Challenges
These sessions are designed to be relevant for the broad population of Cancer Center researchers. Rapid-fire presentations of disease specific current state of treatments, and key clinical challenges will highlight opportunities for the next steps in research. This is where clinical care cycles back to inform bench and translational research.
3:30: Breakout Session 2
A: Not available in second session
B: Approaches in Screening – Point/Counterpoint
Mai Elezaby, MD, Assistant Professor and Fellowship Director of Breast Imaging will discuss the pros and cons of breast density legislation, 3D digital breast tomosynthesis, and other breast cancer screening methods. Scott Ferguson, MD the Director of Interventional Pulmonology and Advanced Diagnostics will discuss lung cancer screening options.
C: Integrating Imaging and Biomarkers into UWCCC Clinical Trials
This session will highlight the services and expertise available within the UWCCC and around campus that can help you in designing your clinical trials. Three NIH funded UW trials will be highlighted as examples of how to successfully integrate biomarkers and imaging.
The presentation will be a discussion-based format and experts in their respective fields will be at hand to answer questions. Presenters include: Randy Kimple, MD, PhD; Andrew Bashnagel, MD; and Josh Lang, MD, MS along with representatives from relevant Shared Resources.
D: Recent Advances in Developing Novel Anti-Cancer Drugs
Covering a range of drug discovery and development topics the presentations and round table discussions will be led by Wei Xu, PhD, Jing Zhang, PhD, Fotis Asimakopoulos, MD, PhD, and Peter Lewis, PhD. They will discuss 1) targeting cellular signaling pathways; (2) targeting protein degradation including the topics of degrading nondruggable targets, the clinical application of proteasome inhibitors and issues related to drug resistance; and (3) targeting epigenetic regulators.
E: Early-Stage Investigators and Mid-Career Faculty
This breakout session will focus on helping early-stage investigators transition to independent awards. Dr. Susan Perkins, Deputy Chief of the Cancer Training Branch at the National Cancer Institute, will be joining us to discuss funding available from the NCI to support early-stage investigators in their transition to independent funding. We’ll also hear about other funding available for early- and mid-career faculty such as the ICTR KL2 and the American Cancer Society awards.
F: Clinical Hot Topics – Rapid-fire Presentation of Key Clinical Challenges
These sessions are designed to be relevant for the broad population of Cancer Center researchers. Rapid-fire presentations of disease specific current state of treatments, and key clinical challenges will highlight opportunities for the next steps in research. This is where clinical care cycles back to inform bench and translational research.
4:40: Trainee podium presentations
Kristine Donahue, BS
“Elucidating the Mechanism of Action of Diptoindonesin G, a Novel ERα Degrader for the Treatment of Endocrine Resistant Breast Cancer”
Emily Nachtigal, MD
“Variation in Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations by Primary Care Providers”
Jiyoon Bu, PhD
“Enhanced PD-1/PD-L1 Immune Checkpoint Blockade via Dendrimer-Meditated Multivalent Binding”
Jacob Witt, MD
“Magnetic Resonance Image-Guided Treatment: An Innovative Approach for Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy”
5:40: Summary & Closing Remarks
Closing remarks from Dr. Howard Bailey
5:45: Scientific Posters, Shared Resource Exhibits & Reception
Reception includes appetizers and beverages.
Scientific posters will highlight the exciting and diverse research being done by Carbone Cancer Center researchers.
UW Carbone Cancer Center Shared Resources will be available to discuss services and answer questions.
Research Retreat Resources
Keynote Speaker: Crystal Mackall, MD

Crystal L Mackall, MD, is the Ernest and Amelia Gallo Family Professor of Pediatrics and Internal Medicine at Stanford University. She serves as Founding Director of the Stanford Center for Cancer Cell Therapy, Associate Director of Stanford Cancer Institute, Leader of the Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Program and Director of the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy at Stanford. Read more on Stanford Profiles.