Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials UW Health listing of all clinical trials open and accruing at UW Health and Clinics
Patient Referrals Resources for referring patients — the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center recognizes the importance of the relationship you have with your patients, and we honor that relationship by working with you to provide the best possible care for them and all patients.
Mobile Clinical Trials App (MCT) The clinical trials app provides physicians with quick access to the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center’s 250+ cancer clinical trials open for patient participation. This app is best viewed on mobile. For further information and instructions, view the MCT help page.
OnCore Login  OnCore is the UWCCC’s clinical trials management system; see the UWCCC KnowledgeBase for help and more information (login required).
REDCap Login  REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases managed by ICTR. To learn more about REDCap, watch a brief summary video, or see the Training Resources.
Clinical Trials Reporting To ensure compliance, the UWCCC provides assistance registering studies to, and reporting results to the same.
Clinical Research Services View all UWCCC clinical research services, including the Clinical Research Central Office, Molecular Tumor Board, and more. is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world. Log into at to manage your public clinical trials data.