The TSB BioBank, under our umbrella protocol, provides high-quality human tissues, blood and other biospecimens that are prospectively collected, processed, and stored for distribution to investigators, with or without their own IRB protocol, in accordance with procedures that comply with the confidentiality, safety and all other regulatory standards set by UW-Madison and the National Cancer Institute’s Best Practices for Biospecimen Resources.
Contact Us
About Us
Facility Manager: Everlyne Nkadori
Contact: BioBank Email
Lab: 608-262-8884, WIMR 2058
Hours: 7am-5pm M-F
Annotated Biospecimens
Flash frozen, cryopreserved, formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded, and OCT embedded biospecimens
Biospecimen Informatics
Chart review for PRMC and IRB approved protocols
H&E Staining
Customized Biospecimen Acquisition
For PRMC and IRB-approved protocols
Pathology Slide Review
- H&E stained slide interpretation
- Interpret IHC slides in conjunction with H&E
- Evaluate IHC staining for antibody optimization (per antibody)
Nucleic Acid Analysis (Bioanalyzer)
The Bioanalyzer is a chip-based capillary electrophoresis machine to analyze RNA and DNA. Used as a quality control mechanism prior to downstream experiments.
Tissue Microarrays (TMA) in cooperation with the Translational Research Initiatives in Pathology (TRIP) lab
Contact us for current inventory, distribution or questions.
Equipment Rental
Email the Biobank to reserve the Bioanalyzer, Cryostat, Microtome, or Vibratome.
BioBank News
On Rigor & Reproducibility: Cell Line Authentication
It has been estimated that 18-36% of cell lines utilized in biomedical research are contaminated and/or completely misidentified. Verification of human and stem cell line identity is critical to the validity of the scientific data. …
August 14, 2019New UW iLab Site
We are happy to announce the new UW iLab Core Facility Management website! The iLab core management application is a web-based solution designed to streamline core facility management through assisting managers with their billing, invoicing, reservation …
April 19, 2019
Any published research which received funding from the UWCCC Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG), including the use of UWCCC Shared Resources to generate or analyze data or conduct clinical trials, must reference the UWCCC. See Acknowledging UWCCC in Publications, Posters, and Presentations.
Inventory & Requests
Click the link above to view and review the steps required to request biospecimens from the TSB BioBank Biospecimen Inventory and TMA inventory for studies (including pilot studies), with IRB approval, or without IRB approval.
Pricing & Bill Pay
Click the link above to find more information on the UWCCC Translational Science BioCore (TSB BioBank) Fee Schedule. Please note, the TMA charges are listed in the descriptions for each TMA, which are specific to disease site.
*Users can now pay by credit card using our online bill pay option.