Scientific Instrumentation Facility

The Scientific Instrumentation Facility (SIF) provides centralized support to UW Carbone Cancer Center (UWCCC) Shared Resources, cancer center members and non-members involved in laboratory, translational and clinical research. Support includes the procurement and maintenance of shared equipment; relocation and coordination of laboratory equipment, facilities and related infrastructure; and solutions to everyday problems.

Faculty Leader
Jacquelyn Hank

(608) 263-7262

Facility Staff
Carl Johnson

(608) 265-6819

Chris Martinelli
(608) 262-4251


The Scientific Instrumentation Facility (SIF) and its personnel provide two types of services related to laboratory equipment and facilities to UW Carbone Cancer Center (UWCCC) investigators.

First, SIF maintains an array of commonly required scientific equipment for shared use (pdf opens in new tab) at Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research (WIMR) and the Clinical Science Center (CSC), in close proximity to the clinical facilities, and the McArdle Laboratory, near the nucleus of basic science departments. The shared equipment includes centrifuges, scintillation counters, phosphorimagers, fluorimagers, qPCR’s, inverted fluorescence microscope, ice makers, environmental control rooms, film processors and water purification units. The facility provides support for the purchase of these types of shared equipment, installation, and preventive maintenance and repair; it also coordinates repair services for all investigator-owned common laboratory instruments. The facility also maintains an alarm system for vital equipment including freezers, cold room and incubators.

View a list of scientific equipment for shared use (pdf opens in new tab) and supply centers and freezer programs (pdf opens in new tab).

Second, SIF facilitates the relocation of personnel or laboratory equipment, coordinates all remodeling projects, and establishes customized laboratory facilities for new faculty by collaborating with the University Physical Plant, Engineering Craft services or outside vendors. The SIF maintains an inventory of UWCCC equipment and tracks its usage and facilitates the enforcement of UWCCC security, access, safety and space management policies.

Any published research which received funding from the UWCCC Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG), including the use of UWCCC Shared Resources to generate or analyze data or conduct clinical trials, must reference the UWCCC. See Acknowledging UWCCC in Publications, Posters and Presentations.