Biostatistics Shared Resource (BSR)

The Biostatistics Shared Resource offers UWCCC members statistical support in the design, conduct and analysis of research studies in basic, clinical and population-based sciences.

Statistical consultation is especially valuable during the planning stage of a research study or a proposal for extramural funding. The early and continuing participation of a biostatistician always improves a grant proposal and the ensuing research. Interim analyses are valuable elements of progress reports, and aid investigators in adjusting the course of their research. The collaboration of biostatisticians in the final analyses, resulting in abstracts for presentation and publications, greatly strengthens the credibility of the study findings to the cancer research community.

Contact Us

Faculty Leader: Menggang Yu, PhD

Associate Leader: Roxana Alexandridis, PhD

Richard Chappell, PhD; Grace Yi Chen, MS; Jens Eickhoff, PhD; Tom Havighurst, MS; KyungMann Kim, PhD; Colin Longhurst, MS; Michael A. Newton, PhD; Paul Rathouz, PhD;  Kaitlin Woo, MS; Yanyao Yi, MS

Biostatistics Consulting Drop-in Clinic

Biostatistics offers a drop-in clinic for UWCCC members Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9 am to 12 (noon).

Location: 6153 WIMR
Phone: (608) 265-8477
Mondays: Thevaa Chandereng
Wednesdays: Thevaa Chandereng

Undergraduate students Dirk Spencer and Keighley Reisenauer work on a project in a computer lab as part of a Genomics and Proteomics class taught by Ahna Skop, associate professor of genetics and life sciences communication, in the Animal Sciences Building at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Feb. 11, 2016. Skop is one of twelve 2016 Distinguished Teaching Award recipients. (Photo by Jeff Miller/UW-Madison)