The Genome Editing and Animal Models Shared Resource provides affordable genome editing resources to the members of the UW Carbone Cancer Center (UWCCC). GEAM provides genome editing design, generation of novel models, cryopreservation, recovery and rederivation of unique mouse and rat lines. It uses the personnel, facilities and equipment of the campus-wide University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center.
More about GEAM
Contact Us
Facility Director: C. Dustin Rubinstein
Facility Manager: Kathy Krentz, (608) 890-3785
Lab: (608) 262-9495
425 Henry Mall
Madison WI 53706
Lab Location: 3210 Biotechnology Center
Conference Room: 3126 Biotechnology Center
Genome edited models provide one of the most valuable tools for unraveling the molecular and genetic mechanisms of cancer and for evaluating new strategies for cancer treatment and prevention. This facility has the technical expertise in genome editing, embryo manipulation, and animal husbandry necessary to efficiently generate customized models.
GEAM Services
Services currently provided by the Genome Editing and Animal Models Shared Resource include: CRISPR/Cas9 design, consultation, and synthesis for mice, rats, and cell lines Generation of transgenic mice and rats by pronuclear microinjection Generation of mouse models from embryonic stem (ES) cells Cryopreservation of mouse and rat embryos and sperm Rederivation of rodent model strains Other…
GEAM Scientific Accomplishments
GEAM’s selected scientific accomplishments include Dr. Michael Gould’s research to identify genetic determinants of breast cancer risk and strategies for breast cancer prevention, Dr. Jing Zhang’s work on the role of Kras on hematopoietic malignancies and leukemia and Dr. Paul Lambert’s research on the roles of the human papillomavirus oncogenes in head, neck and cervical…
Biotech Center
Learn more about the Genome Editing and Animal Models Shared Resource facility.
Any published research which received funding from the UWCCC Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG), including the use of UWCCC Shared Resources to generate or analyze data or conduct clinical trials, must reference the UWCCC. See Acknowledging UWCCC in Publications, Posters and Presentations.