We're looking for members!
Please contact Rebecca Shirley (rnshirley@wisc.edu) for information on participation. We are always looking for new ways to partner with our communities.
Our Mission
UWCCC Community Advocacy Board is a coalition dedicated to creating a foundation of bidirectional communication between community members and the UWCCC to identify and prioritize cancer research needs across Wisconsin.
What we do
We engage community members and stakeholders in our research process. We let the community lead the way in defining and developing equitable solutions to reduce the burden of cancer across Wisconsin.
Our board members
Caleb Hatchett: Dane County
Carol Cameron: Waukesha County
Emily Collins: Green County
Gloria Ladson-Billings: Dane County
Jesus Barbosa: Milwaukee County
Linda Conlin: Oneida County
Maria Hortensia Ornelas Pelayo: Dane County
Mayhoua Moua: Milwaukee County
Minerva Cornejo: Milwaukee County
Noel Resch: Brown County
Robin Carufel: Vilas County
Ron Bower: Eau Claire County
Sandy Morales: Dane County
Wayne Strong: Dane County
Zulma Limas: Dane County